It is such a sunny day that I really shouldn't be cooped up indoors, but I just had to have a look at my zigzag strips before I venture outside. I just draped them all over the back of the sofa, and the sun is shining in through the window, so the strips in the middle look more faded then they actually are. But it is looking good. Quite good. Only I'm not quite sure about the second strip on the left.
I'm thinking that these two fabrics need a new friend. They are both quite busy florals, and might need a calming influence in between them. The aqua one has apricot coloured berries, and the geranium has red flowers with some lighter ones veering towards apricot, so I thought maybe that was the direction I needed to take, but I have auditioned the only apricot one I've got (my stash is rather limited in that area, it seems) and no, I don't think so! I don't want to add more green than I have already, and red would clash with the hot pink a few strips off, so I might have to have a little think here.
Maybe it's a good thing that the sun is shining, a walk in the sun might clear my head :-)