Wednesday, October 22, 2014


 I seem to be all over the place these days, dabbling a little bit here, a little bit there, not accomplishing an awful lot. There is this little postcard quilt on my design wall, for instance. It wouldn't take long to quilt and bind and I might have just the perfect spot for it as well.
Then there is this beautiful panel by Laura Kemshall that I bought at the Festival of Quilts. Perfect for practicing my free motion quilting skills.
A pile of new fabric (this is only half of it...) awaits inspiration. I have plans for the turquoise one and some vague ideas for some of the others...
I did manage to finish something though; a Wide Open Pouch (the BIG one!) for my mother's birthday. She loved it and is now the envy of all her friends. Amazing what a pretty fabric can do!
I have made some mug rugs - I have even stitched the bindings since this picture was taken. I have knitted and done a bit of cross-stitch, but haven't got much to show you yet...
I have pondered a new EPP-project - this was only a mock-op of layout and colour placement, I wouldn't even consider making something with such tiny pieces, I'm not barking mad! Inspired by a quilt I saw at the Festival (and didn't get a full picture of, alas) I have been on my way to ordering 36- and 72-degree diamond templates and stopped myself in the nick of time several times recently, telling myself sternly that I hate EPP, but there's still something beckoning me...
But, wait - I have accomplished something! I have been busy quilting, frogging and requilting this baby and it's almost done! I can't wait to finish it and start using it - I just love the colours!  Next I get to start something new and fun before I quilt another one that's lying in wait. Come to think of it, that one will be rather fun too... It's just as well that the autumn storms have set in, I'll happily spend my evenings indoors, busy in my studio!