It happens every year. "Oh no, I'm taking it easy this year, not making lots of presents - I don't want all that stress during December". And no sooner have the word escaped, I start thinking that it would be nice if I just made a little something for so and so, and while I'm at it, I might as well make some more as that would make a nice present for... - And before you know it I have an assembly line production going.

Well, I don't really mind - it's all part of the hustle and bustle and fun of preparing for Christmas, isn't it? So yesterday I made six of these little fabric baskets, using the
tutorial from Pink Penguin.Very nice and easy, and made even easier by the fact that I used only one fabric on the upper pieces and ribbon for handles.

At about 3"x5" they are sweet little things, just right for
filling with some homemade goodies, which I have yet to make - I think I'll make some dough for ginger bread cookies today, and some fudge and spicy almonds later in the week, and that will be it, as far as holiday baking is concerned, I think...
Well, I have said that in previous years too, of course. We'll just have to wait and see...
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