Saturday, December 01, 2007

December inspiration

I came across a copy of the latest issue of Marie Claire Idées yesterday. Like many bloggers I have discovered that this magazine is just full of inspiration, and the latest issue is no exception. I have spent a happy afternoon with a cup of tea and a lot of eye candy - there are just so many things to be inspired by, cute angels, stockings, embroidery, baked goods - I haven't really got my head around the fact that Christmas is approching, but this magazine is giving me a kick start. Click on the picture above to go to Flickr for a closer view.
I love this yo-yo throw in silky fabrics and with huge yo-yos (the green ones are made from 21 cm/8" circles!)

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of advent and weather permitting, time for a pre-Christmas market. That should help my Christmas spirit along...


calamitykim said...

oh, I must run over to Barnes & Noble forth with and lay hands on my own copy of MCI. Man, its always a treat to fix a cup of tea and sit down and have a read. I love their stuff. Why they don't print an english version, I will never know! I hope you make an elf. I am probably going to make a Marie aoinette version for Feb for Valentines Day- don't tell anyone- its a secret! teehee! happy pie and cake! :) kim

calamitykim said...

Antoinette- with 13 pockets up to Valentines Day!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

How's your Christmas spirit coming along? Thank you for making time to stop by Chickenblog... nice to meet you! Your blog looks like one of those great and inspiring places to stop in for a visit and chat. I look forward to returning.