Sunday, July 02, 2006

That was quick!

I was holding my breath here to see if I managed to upload a picture. Blogger hasn't been cooperating with me the last few days, but I gather from the help-forum that I was not alone. I had ever so much trouble in getting pictures uploaded to my previous post, but eventually I managed it by creating a new post, uploading the pictures and copying the text into that one before deleting the previous one - what a computer genius! Enough said about that - it's just so frustrating when things don't work the way they should!
It dawned on me yesterday morning that my sister was on way home from her holiday in Cannes, and as she had celebrated her birthday while she was there, she would probably invite the family to a party once she got home. I have known her birthday was coming up, of course, and I have known what I was going to give her ever since my youngest sister's birthday in April, so why hadn't I done anything about it?! Procrastination could have been my middle name...
There was nothing for it though, so I set to work once I got out of bed. Cut the fabrics before I had my breakfast, and then it was off to the sewing machine. Luckily I have made this particular handbag (Amy Butler's Madison bag) so many times, that I could do it without checking the pattern every minute, so it went together during the day, and I actually managed to get a few other things done as well... The flower was hand stitched in the company of a good movie in the evening, and stitched on to the bag with a cone shaped button from an old blouse in the middle. Perfect for a flower, not so perfect on the blouse - dancing partners kept complaining about getting stung ;-)
The previous ones I've made have been made from Amy Butler fabric in bright colours, but that wouldn't do for this sister. I found a linen look-alike in soft colours with matching Jinny Beyer fabrics: green for the lining and dusky pink for the flower. I'm quite pleased with it myself, and I hope sis will be as well, when she gets it this afternoon, for sure enough, she phoned yesterday as I was putting the finishing touches on the bag, to invite us to a garden party today...

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

If you're having trouble uploading pictures here in blogspot, you can always host it from - That's; not dot com_