Golden opportunity
I just had to buy this little dress from the thrift shop. I might be depriving some little girl of the chance to be a princess, but it has been hanging in the shop window for ages without takers and I honestly think it is too dark and sombre for a little girl: It is in a coppery, greenish shade that wouldn't be flattering at all. At least that's my excuse. Because, dare I say it: I'm going to cut it apart! I thought the fabric would be great to play with in a quilt, adding that shiny holiday feel without the problems of working with metallics.
There are two different fabrics (real polyester - 100%!), one smooth and shiny and one matte and wrinkly, so I can see several uses for it. There is enough fabric so that I can share with friends as well :-)
I have been away for a few days, so things have been rather quiet here, but I'm proud to say I finished my Haunted House quilt for Halloween and tomorrow I have made time for sewing, so I will be back!
1 comment :
That is such a great way to get fabric :-) I am going to hit some thrift-stores when I go visit my parents. They are much too expensive in Copenhagen :-(
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