Quilting design review
My post about the goodies in the mail has created a flurry of interest - thanks for the comments an e-mails! I thought I would give a few reviews to answer some of the questions.
The quilting design software is the first one out. It's one of three containing quilting motifs previously published by Quiltmaker magazine. I have a few binders of those magazines from way back full of great motifs. The problem is usually finding the right one when needed and changing it to the right size, so when I saw these CDs I thought that was a great way of keeping them all handy. I only ordered one to begin with to see what it was like.
The CD installed easily and in minutes I was ready to go. You can open the program on its own, and apperantly you can also link it to EQ6 and use it in your designs. I only have EQ5, so I haven't been able to test that feature.
What you actually get is a lot of files catalogued in different themes. You get a preview of each motif in the browser window and when you want to print it, you just mark the motif and click on the print button. In the print window you get to choose the size of your motif, the thickness of your line and how many you want before you click the next print button. It's as easy as that.
The program also has a learning chapter with helpful tips on how to adapt patterns, how to transfer them and more. Quite a good CD, I think, so I just might just get the other two to have the complete collection. That could clear up a lot of shelf space too - cause I just might get rid of those mags...
1 comment :
That sounds like a great CD! But there is no way I would ever be able to quilt something like that -either by hand or machine....
It looks wonderful, though!
I have EQ6, I just haven't really had the time to sit down and learn how to use it :-(
But I will this summer! Do you use your EQ much?
....oh....you can get an update-CD so you can update EQ5 to EQ6, probably still expensive, but not as bad as buying a whole new programme!!
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