In case you think my stash ate me or something - no , I'm still here, and still sorting things out, little by little. Going through the piles of fabric and what have you, I found this finished cross-stitch from earlier this spring. I had put it aside until I found a frame for it. The frame was purchased a while later, but did the two ever meet? The answer is no, of course - rocrastination being my middle name and all... Well, you will be happy to hear that I have got around to framing it now - properly, with a thin layer of batting underneath and firmly laced on the back, and all - so in no time at all it should be upon the wall. Knowing me I probably shouldn't make any rash promises like that, but at least I think I know where to put it - to join this one:
The latter is actually an awful picture, taken with my old camera, so I should take a new one, but you get the idea. Witches. There are more of them, and more to come.
1 comment :
I was beginning to wonder....LOL.
The washing-line designs are wonderful! Turkey dressings! LOL!!
I gave you an award...come on over and get it :-D
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