I've been on a bit of a roll here, finishing some bits and pieces that have been loitering about, doing nothing to earn their keep. It was a question of kicking them out or letting them make themselves useful. Take this one (above), for instance: it started life as a test block to learn the techniques when I was working on
this. I kept coming across it whenever I moved things about, reminding me that it was still there and wanting a bit of attention. A few free-form triangles and strips later, and it has become a small table topper.

And remember this? I tried out the disappearing nine-patch technique a while back, and finished the top quickly enough, but didn't have any batting handy and that was that. Forgot all about it. Until I came across
this post when loking for something else. So the blog is making itself useful from time to time, as a record from myself to myself about what I'm working on... Well, the batting was at hand this time, and I just did some very light quilting - wavy lines with variegated thread, to keep it soft, and there's a new tablecloth!

And this one. I mentioned it a few posts back. Here it is with the binding all finished - a small table topper for someone. This one has a really pretty backing fabric too, so it could be a two for one :-)

Yes, they definitely feel more useful now, all three of them. And I feel lighter, somehow. Free to move on to something new...
1 comment :
awesome! I am so proud of you and happy for you too! I am struggling with the same thing- trying to FINISH things before starting new- I joined the mini monday and am happy to be playing along! Have a great day, Mathea my friend!
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