Fabric, lovely fabric
I just realized that I never mentioned any of the new fabric I've bought recently. I fell head over heels in love with some new bag-handles at Superbuzzy (which I didn't remember to photograph - food for another post there...) and I also ordered some fabric. Both of these are quite heavy linens and I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to use them for. They would work well for handbags I suppose, but how many does a girl need..? Don't worry - I know the answer to that one: a lot! The one above was a pleasant surprise - the colour was a lot brighter than I thought it would be, and with buttons galore it's just wonderful.
The next one was a must - with my love for London a map of the city was too good to miss. Something travel-related to be made from this, I think...
Then I came across this sweet fabric at Aunty Cookie's Etsy shop - I just adore these girls! This is one of those fabrics I'll probably just take out to pat and sigh yearningly over for quite a while before I'll be able to cut into it, I guess...
Finally, inspired by this, I bought a duvet cover from IKEA, thinking I'll copy the idea, if not the actual quilting - I just loved the look of those numbers when the white background had been quilted flat. And if nothing else it will be a good piece for practising my quilting on. I ought to have given it a bit of a seeing to with a hot iron before it had it's photograph taken, but I didn't - so there you are - IKEA-numbers in all their wrinkled glory!
And just so you know that I'm still working - here's the back of one of the pieces for my handbag. As you can see I decided to quilt in all the squares, so it will take a little while. Especially since I didn't do much today. I didn't feel up to much when I came home today and ended up snuggling under a quilt watching four episodes of Friends back to back instead, while the rain poured down outside. Sometimes one just needs to indulge in doing nothing ;-)
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