Stitching time?
I have had a subscription to Cross Stitcher Magazine (UK) for years, and my shelves are groaning with magazines. If I am to keep up that subscription, some of them will have to go. So during the last few months I have been going through them, little by little, to sort out which ones to keep. The problem is there are so many patterns I might like to stitch, but I know that I will probably never get around to even a tenth of them.
So far I have put stickers on the pages where I find tempting patterns, and then ruthlessly thrown out the ones that end up without stickers. Still the pile of magazines is high, so I know I'll need to have another go and be more realistic about it. There are some that I keep coming back to, like these three, so they will stay, but I think I'll have to be even more ruthless to really make a dent in that pile. And then there are the quilting magazines, the interior decorating ones...
It seems that I have my work cut out for me this summer, but little by little even I might become more organized... I think... But not today - I got a sudden craving to go look through my embroidery floss...
hmmm ... completely understand your dilemma - I have had the same situation with quilting magazines so do you know what I did - I pulled out the patterns I liked, slipped them into a A4 display folder, made sure I had the bibliographic information attached, and chucked the rest of the magazine in the recycling. It was very liberating and cleared out heaps of space - now, I even do it for new magazines, especially if there's only a couple of projects I like! Dreadful I know, but very efficient! :-)
Maybe we could organize some sort af a swap?? I don't have cross-stitch magazines, but I do have quilting- and decorating magazines... Some are in Danish, though, but most of them are in English. What do you think?
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